Using the form below, you can create and name a scholarship or student program fund in just a few minutes. Your new fund will be matched with a Drexel student and start making an impact! Impact Now Scholarships start with a commitment of $25,000 or more, payable over up to a 5-year period. Learn more about how your personalized Impact Now scholarship will work.
Not ready to name a scholarship yet? You can make an immediate impact on students with a gift of any amount.
Payment schedules are fast and easy to set up for a $25,000 commitment! Your Impact Now Scholarship commitment can be paid over a period of five years, and can be established with monthly investments that will create opportunities for a current Drexel student.
Name your Impact Now Scholarship. As an Impact Now donor, you will be assigned a named fund that will display in any future acknowledgements, recognition listings, or related communications for a 5-year period.
How to name your fund: [NAME] Impact Now Financial Aid [NAME] Impact Now Scholarship for [SCHOOL OR COLLEGE OF YOUR CHOICE] [NAME] Impact Now Co-Op Opportunities